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Taking Gameskraft from
400 to 1500 employees

Gameskraft is a gaming company that had plans of expanding from 400 employees to 1500. They had to do this in a very short span of time.

Watch how I helped them do this, using design thinking!

The final
intranet design 

The Experience Mode

The user is given the option to switch to an experience mode where they can play games while exploring the news feed.

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Home Page

When the user does not choose the experience mode, this is their view of the home page, where they get an update of all the latest happenings at Gameskraft.


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Employees from different departments can view what is going on globally in their field, to increase engagement among employees the option to comment on blogs posted was provided.
The HR SPOC for different departments collects popular blogs from the Head of department and provides it to the tech team handling the intranet to upload it weekly.

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Often a new joinee would not be comfortable with tools used in the new company, a repository of helpful videos could help them get a headstart.

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Recognizing your teammates and memorizing their names can take a while, the intranet provides a repository of the members in respective departments

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A new hire joining the team would like to know about the culture of the team they are working with

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For the company journey and milestonenes the SuperMario concept was redesigned to fit the new design guidelines.

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The employee is provided with quick links to KEKA, ESOP Portal, FreshDesk and Slack. These are the most commonly needed softwares for HR needs.

In the create an account sections suggestions were given to add more items such as links to Instagram twitter, LinkedIn, github, Spotify, behance, website, etc as it gets easier to know a person through them

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Klub Social

Social Clubs were put on the Intranet so that new hires could look at ways to break the ice with their fellow employees, before they get on slack, etc.
As Social Clubs keep increasing a search bar was provided for them.

The final
emailer designs 

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The intranet and new hire onboarding service blueprint was accepted by the CHRO and will soon be implemented.
The HR department will be constantly updating these processes by asking for feedback from its employees and try to visualize if the company performs better with a better employee experience.

The establishment of a common process which covers all aspect has brought semblance to the HR department and there is no confusion regarding next steps in the new hire onboarding process.
Employees are provided with all HR related information on the intranet and a clearly defined organisation structure on KEKA too. The engagement between employees has seen a rise with the launch of Social Clubs, most employees who are working from home too can know about the happenings in office via the intranet.


The project on employee experience as well as Intranet needs a lot of maintenance and operative work even after setting it up.
A lot of the processes in the employee experience could be automated, in house softwares are being developed to automate the process of sending mailers, without the constant help of a designer and software engineer/developer.
The process of sending mails about new hires and wedding anniversaries was automated in the last week of the capstone project hence could not be a part of the thesis.
Further the development of the Internet will be given a go ahead after testing is completed. The intranet will be updated with new forms of mini games to keep the employees engaged and maintain activity on the intranet.

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